1.1      Background to the Study
The concept of utilization of non textual materials judges the value of instructional materials, single or collecting satisfy the desired of instructional needs (Udom 2004). He added that, non textual materials are not end in themselves but means of attaining a specific instructional function in learning.
        Varrella (2004) opined that teachers ability to utilized available of non textual materials and thus optimize the attainment of instructional function varies with their level of media education.
        Non-textual materials is used in this study to means all the resources within the reach of the teachers and pupils which are employed to facilitate teaching and learning. It therefore followed that, such resources may be both human and non human resources provided to facilitate the acquisition and evaluation of knowledge, skills, attitude and values. He added, that basic science has to be improved by raising the quality of teachers, this could be improved by teachers being conscious during the process of teaching and learning of basic science among pre-school pupils. The teachers has to realized their main objectives everywhere is to make the lesson presentation vital,  interesting, and utilized instructional materials during the lesson. This specific objectives can often be attained most effectively through the utilization of non textual materials in teaching and learning of Basic Science among pre-primary school pupils.
        Non textual materials are indispensable factors in teaching and learning process. Textual materials serves as channels through which messages, information ideas and knowledge are disseminated they can therefore be manipulated seen heard felt or talk about the facilitate activities in teaching and learning. In similar study Umoren (2004) noted that, non textual materials are valuable assets in learning situation, because they make lesson practical and realistic, they are the pivot in which the wheel of the pupils during teaching and the learning which rotate the teachers and the learners to improvised these materials especially when the commercial ones are not accessible or available.
        In order to achieve their desirable goals and objectives, certain principles must be followed for their selection, production and utilization of appropriate of non textual materials in teaching and learning of Basic Science among pre-primary schools pupils.
1.2      Statement of the Problem
Inadequate utilization of non textual materials in pre-primary school causes a serious setback in pupils academic performance in Basic Science in both internal and external examination. The study of Basic Science is faced with a serious problem in recent time, the process has adversely affected the pupils in an unprecedented dimension as evident in poor learning, lack of motivation, lack of interest, poor study habit and poor reading skills among others to mention but a few. Again poor academic performance of the pupils in Basic Science has been linked to inadequate utilization of non textual  materials, teachers qualification, teachers teaching experience, and lack of Science laboratory among others.
For this reasons has caused a defit in the wholesome development of pre-primary school pupils. As a result of this, most of the pupils exhibit unacceptable tendencies like stealing, truancy, and examination malpractices.
The main reason to carried out this research study was to examine the influence of utilization of non textual materials for teaching of pre-primary school pupils academic performance in Basic science in Mbo Local Government  Area.
1.3      Purpose of the Study
The purpose of this study was to examine utilization of non textual materials for teaching and pre-primary school pupils academic performance in Basic science in Mbo Local Government Area.
        In specific terms, the study sought to:
(1)        To examine  the influence of utilization of chart for teaching of pre-primary school pupils academic performance in Basic Science
(2)        To examine the influence of utilization of pictures for the teaching of pre-primary school pupils academic performance in Basic Science
(3)        To examine the influence of utilization of models for teaching of pre-primary school pupils academic performance in Basic Science.
1.4      Research Questions
Three research questions were stated to guide the study:
(1)        How does utilization of chart influence the teaching of pre-primary school pupils interest in the learning of basic science in Mbo Local Government Area.
(2)         How does utilization of pictures influence the teaching of pre-primary school pupils understanding of basic science as a subject in Mbo Local Government Area.
(3)        How does utilization of non-textual materials affect pupils retention of facts in basic science in Mbo Local Government Area.


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