MICRO TEACHING Micro-teaching Introduction: Micro-teaching is one of the most recent innovations in teacher education or training programme which aims at modifying teacher’s behavior according to the specific objectives. It is a process of subjecting samples of human behavior to 5 R’s of video tape- ‘recording’, ‘reviewing’, ‘responding’, ‘refining’, and ‘redoing’. Micro-teaching is a controlled practice that makes it possible to concentrate on teaching behavior in the student-teacher training programme. Definitions of Micro-teaching Micro-teaching has been defined in a number of ways. Some selected definitions are given below: Allen,D.W (1966): Micro-teaching is a scaled down teaching encounter in class size and class time. Allen,D.W. and Eve,A.W. (1968): Micro-teaching is defined as a system of controlled practice that makes it possible to concentrate on specified teaching behavior and to practices teaching under controlled conditions. Bush,R.N (196...